The Hormone Revival Membership

Personalized monthly nutrition support for hormone balance

Through functional lab testing, personalized nutrition and menstrual cycle mapping, I help you understand what is causing your symptoms so that we can work together to restore balance through natural and targeted approaches. 


I specialize in helping women navigate symptoms of high estrogen


Common Symptoms of High Estrogen


Memory problems

Night Sweats

Low thyroid function


Cold hands and feet

Hair loss

Period clots

Breast tenderness

Cyclical acne

Fibrocystic breasts

Hormonal weight gain

Luteal phase insomnia

Brain fog

Irregular periods



Chronic UTIs

Heavy/painful periods



Low Sex drive


Mood swings

Menstrual headaches



Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)


Uterine Fibroids

Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD)

Insulin Resistance 


GI irregularities (SIBO, Candida, IBS etc)

Post Birth Control Symptoms


Personalized Hormone Cleanse

Functional nutrition membership Includes:

  • Initial in depth consultation to review current health status - 60 min

  • Two 20 min calls per month to review your progress and make adjustments as needed

  • Weekly email support outside of scheduled calls

  • Customized nutrition program, meal plans, herbals, practitioner grade supplement recommendations and lifestyle design support

  • Menstrual cycle tracking - natural birth control methods so that you can quit hormonal birth control

  • Guides on nutritional therapy using whole foods and eliminating environmental toxins - finally get off the diet roller coaster and enjoy balanced meals that support hormone health

  • Access to functional lab testing, consult fee included. Labs are an additional fee payable by HSA/FSA. Explore labs here.

  • Custom made supplements based on lab results

  • Focus on functional nutrition and targeted lab testing to restore nutrient balance

Cost: $375 per month, 3 month minimum commitment


Why Estrogen Detox?

For the longest time I had the worst periods. They were heavy, uncomfortable and even caused me to miss out on my life a few days a month. Not to mention the fatigue, fibrocystic knots in my breast and PMS symptoms the week before my period all happening in my teens and twenties when I was supposed to have never ending energy.  

When I went off to college on a dance scholarship I knew I needed to do something so that I could keep my scholarship and keep up with the demanding program I was in. That was when I went on birth control that would be a part of my normal routine for the next 7 years. 

By this point I was shocked, it honestly was a game changer, all those symptoms went away which signaled that maybe something was not right in the first place. The only catch was that birth control did not fix what was actually going on. It overrides your natural hormone regulation and in the end I was just covering up the issue.

I even tried to get off of birth control at one point just to see what would happen and low and behold at the 3 month mark my symptoms came back with a vengeance on top of the worst acne I had ever had in my life. I still have the scars to prove it almost 10 years later. 

At this point I ended up going back on birth control but decided to do what I could from a lifestyle and nutrition standpoint to help my body regulate itself which started my obsession with functional nutrition and hormone balance in women. That was when I made the decision to do whatever I could to learn about how the body worked and signed up for a masters program in clinical nutrition. 

Emily Lauren Photography

I still remember the day during one lecture when the topic of high estrogen, sometimes referred to as “estrogen dominance” came up and it was like a lightbulb moment. I checked off almost all of the symptoms listed and was amazed to learn that there were things I could do that were in my control to change my situation. I started implementing these into my life and with these changes was able to get off of birth control without side effects, eliminate my symptoms naturally and get pregnant within 2 months of trying. 

That is why I focus on estrogen dominance in my practice. I want to help other women succeed in feeling well in their bodies by getting to the root cause of their imbalance. All without having to rely on medications and complicated routines. It can be a simple and targeted approach that is customized to where you are and what you need in your body. 

Why Functional Nutrition?

Functional nutrition has emerged as a revolutionary approach to nourishing our bodies and optimizing our health. In a world bombarded with fad diets and conflicting nutritional advice, functional nutrition provides a comprehensive and science-based approach to understanding the complex interplay between our bodies, food, and overall well-being.

Unlike conventional nutrition, which often focuses solely on macronutrients and calorie counts, functional nutrition takes into account a person's unique biochemistry, genetics, lifestyle, and environmental factors. It recognizes the undeniable truth that each of us is biochemically distinct and requires personalized nutrition to achieve optimal health.

That is why there is an in depth intake process and functional labs used to truly understand what is going on in your body so that you can get a plan that is designed for your unique biochemistry.

Functional nutrition offers a holistic approach to nourishment and wellness. By addressing the root causes of health issues, functional nutrition can optimize our overall well-being and empower you to live a vibrant and fulfilling life. Through personalized nutrition, whole foods, gut health optimization, and lifestyle modifications, functional nutrition has the potential to transform your relationship with food and revolutionize our health outcomes.